David Krooshof

Contents on this website, ordered by subject


I like the subject of tuning music instruments, because it is an unsolvable sudoku with many social and emotional consequences to it. I'll add a story about a keyboard soon.
To get tuning freedom, I've been making two guitars and a bass fretless. I made several music tools that I need to document here, and I've been sensors for more expression.

And I like to play harmonica while walking. I recorded that through someones camera that I could pickup a signal from.

Related to music, are the speaker setups that I do, to project sound in a room in a veristile way.

Dark Trails

Distilling how I see the flight of the animals living in close proximity to us has led me on quite a quest. I call the result dark trails, as they are the opposite of light trails. There are many apps to make light trails, but none to make dark trails, so I put a lot of effort into this.

First Phase: Making dark trails of bats and jackdaws

Second Phase: Making stereo trails, in parallel view and anaglyph

The Forest at Night

Hoping to get across how soothing the forest is for me at night. Shooting in infrared helps a lot to block the city lights, and only shoot the natural light.

RGB Color and Infrared with moonlight, or even stereo infrared in moonlight.

Stereo phone pics at night.

Obviously, I also shoot infrared in sunlight. A lot, actually. Also in stereo. I removed the IR blocking filter from several cameras. It is through using those, that I accidentally discovered that the moon reflects so much IR.


The bigger the camera, the less it matters, and the more people are willing to sit still for it a while. I'd like to shoot more, and bigger direct color positives.

Restaurations and builds:

Making a classic street camera, contact printer

About cameras and viewers

About antique viewers for parallel stereo photos, anaglyph glasses, radioactive lenses, cameras, ...


Vasilis, my friend who built this site, inspirered me to make two clocks so far.