David Krooshof

3D photography, IR handheld

These photo's are take with my IR rig. (Converted 720nm GF2, RJ speedbooster, 35mm f1.4 lens). I shot these hand held, one image for the left eye, then carefully reframing one for the right eye. The distance between those is my estimation of what I need to let the depth translate in these images when viewed with a Victorian style prism stereo photoviewer.

I took them by first standing with my weight on my left leg, then over to the right leg. This way I shift perpendicular to the view. I orientate the framing relative to the bla bla in the screen. I shift myself just so much to the right, that I see the perspective change a bit.

So, take out thy viewer and enjoy the dioramas!

  • Twee nogal zware boomtakken lopen diagonaal dwars door het beeld. Iemand heeft er een dode, derde tak op gelegd. Het is een stereo opname, dus twee vrijwel identieke opnames naast elkaar, bedoeld om tot 1 beeld te smelten, maar de diagonale lijn van de takken loopt van ene beeld door in het andere, waardoor het zonder stereobrilletje een meerwaarde heeft.
  • Typical IR photo with a black sky and white clouds and leaves. Spots with trees in a sandy environment make a diorama with 5 stages, and the clouds form a 6th stage. At the horizon, the clouds are optically behind the trees.
  • one of my favorite trees on the edge of the little forest. It's crown grows out of the edge of the frame, not unlike the peace sign upside down, but way more intense and complex. In stereo, we see the branches coming towards us or bending away. There is a busy sky behind it.
  • A nice tree in the middle of a walking path that goes into the distance with a nice wavy shape. It being an IR photo, the grass is bright.
  • Een pad door het bos dat ik 's nachts ook vaak in IR fotografeer. Boomtakken hangen over het pad vanaf de rechter kant, waar we meer tegenaan kijken. (Het wegkijkpunt is bijna helemaal aan de linkerkant). Veel bomen zijn gelijksoortig gegroeid, waardoor diagonale lijnen parallel door het beeld lopen.
  • Shot from under a currant tree. Branches with young leaves and flowers come in from the top right, and branch off into various directions. Young leaves and some flowers are rather bright, but not so bright as the sandy background.
  • Een doorkijkje van uit het bos naar de lager gelegen zandverstuiving. 4 grote dennen van links tot het midden domineren het beeld.
  • Diorama of the edge of the forest, seen from the sands. Like a theater, the left and right of the image has
  • 4 pine trees, there used to be 5. One is just a 1 meter stump. The background, with sand, trees and clouds, sits nicely behind it, when observed in stereo. This is the horizontal version (2x4 by 3).
  • 4 pine trees, there used to be 5. One is just a 1 meter stump. The background, with sand, trees and clouds, sits nicely behind it, when observed in stereo. This is the vertical version (2x3 by 4).
  • Dito, but with another three. I made the mistake of reversing the left and right image, originally. The stereo effect did pop in, but it is much easier to see now I corrected it. Odd how the brain is so flexible it can work out depth even if your eyes are accidentally connected the other way around for a short moment.
  • An arch of a broken tree; a storm victim. One massive dead branch with no bark sticks through the arch, and catches some light. Shades of leaves form a pattern on it. This branch backs away from us when observed in stereo.
  • Four fruit trees, pears I think, in an orchard where everyone is free to pick. I shot this to find a position to later shoot in moonlight. But that night, I decided against shooting it. They were in front light too much, and that is rather flat.